If youre gonna make money, do it in the most awesome way - by making BILLIONS. Welcome to the world of BILLIONAIRE.
BILLIONAIRE. is the fastest way to be the richest person on earth; tap to build a new business, collect your fortune, expand your business empire, and beat the worlds wealthiest figures.
::::Its EASY::::
No complicated stuff, just pick your favorite business and pile up your money. Manage your business in the most creative way possible to grow your fortune.
::::Its FUN::::
Compete against friends, celebrities, top business-man, and your favorite super hero, mythical beast, or fairy tale princess to be the number ONE! So dont waste time, your friends have already started.
::::Its BEAUTIFUL::::
Feast your eyes on exceptionally well designed buildings and art - from Pet Shop to Weapon Factory, just build whatever you want!
Fame and fortune will attract unwanted attention! Manage your threat level - if you build too many risky business, the police will take you down.